Sunday, October 29, 2006

Emergency Preparedness Meeting

Last Thursday Oct 26 was the first official neighborhood meeting to discuss emergency preparedness. By all counts it was a success. It's great to know that our community takes this seriously.

Gail Marsh, City of Shoreline Emergency Management Coordinator; and Melanie Granfors, Community Education Specialist with the Shoreline Fire Department both presented information and we watched a short video about emergency preparedness.

Their message was clear and simpleā€”in a large-scale emergency, do NOT expect police, fire, and ambulance services to be available. We should all be individually (and as households) prepared to sustain ourselves for 3 days. This means drinking water, food and possibly shelter. Please go to this page on the American Red Cross website for specific information about how to prepare. Three Days, Three Ways is another excellent site.

Individual and family preparedness are great steps toward disaster mitigation, but the real goal for us is a "Ready Neighborhood." Just as there are certain criteria to become a recognized Block Watch, established Block Watches can take a few extra steps to become a Ready Neighborhood too.

Expect more information to be posted here. In the meantime--get prepared and get to know your neighbors!

Special thanks to the Elsters for hosting this meeting.